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Process Automation | Improvement | Analysis

The only way to really understand how a business is functioning is to model the processes being used to achieve the current results and performance, for subsequent process improvement or automation, after measurement, investigation and analysis. Call us to learn more about how we can help.

One of the most effective approaches in process improvement initiatives is the Lean Six Sigma method.

Modelling a process graphically with the help of the process users can reveal process inconsistencies, delays, loops and bottlenecks and shows how many systems and users actually influence the process outputs and the customer journey/ experience.

Our consultant has process automation analysis and design (both process workflow and screens) experience with K2 Black Pearl, IBM BPM and Metastorm’s e-Work applications.

We’ve also achieved ISO20000 and ISO9001 accreditations for a retail banking client and a smart phone enabled household security services company. Success with external BSI auditors requires you to demonstrate continuous improvement measures across your process portfolio.


A systemic analysis of the current (‘As Is’) processes provides our clients with an opportunity to think creatively and analytically about what they could change organisationally (with new ‘To Be’ processes) to achieve better results.

The OPAL Analysis Method in the frame below is best suited to capturing a high-level view of the current (As Is) situation , and for drafting prototypes of the new processes. The activities run through the centre, left to right, the pink blocks are the users, the grey block are the systems involved and the inputs and outputs of the activities are shown above the central spine.

Object Process Alignment Method (OPAL)

Documentation & Publishing

Once the options have been explored and understood, after winning buy-in from management and the process users, the process needs to be formally documented and published, to communicate how the new process is to run. Some user training is also recommended to ensure that the changes are bedded in to the new routine producing the predictable outcomes expected.

The methods used now are all fairly similar variations on the theme shown below, an ISO/CMMI compliant Swimlane Process Diagram. Depending on the complexity of the process, the model might be accompanied by explanatory text (in the final document) presented in numbered paragraphs, to identify which part of the process is being described in detail.

Simple Swim-Lane Block & Diamond Process Diagram