The BREXIT process will make the UK a “third country” in GDPR terms as it will fall outside the EEA. In addition to a reality check on certain business processes it would be very sensible to revisit your service providers with whom you may share EU citizen’s personal data.

The “sharing” may not be an activity of the business process itself but the service provider’s systems which support the process may use live data which is hosted or backed-up in the UK. The service provider’s contracts will need to be re-examined and amended to ensure they are compliant with the new political landscape.

If you have a comprehensive and robust Information Asset Register for all your information assets including all systems and third party portals in use, this should be fairly straight forward. If your asset register is not comprehensive with a lack of depth in the detail, this is where we can help.

One of our European clients had dealings with 800 banks worldwide, some of which will be UK based. Remember, we need to be ever vigilant to the risk of a GDPR Breach due to potential fines from both the UK’s ICO and the European authorities after BREXIT.

Call us for an informal chat today……………

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