Business Analysis can reduce costs, raise productivity and increase sales. We will add value to your business by exploring the current issues or pain points, then scoping and designing business solutions. Why not learn more about how we can help by arranging an informal chat?

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business analysis identifies business needs and formulates workable solutions to identified business problems. Needs may surface as a result of external market pressures or from internal drivers to raise productivity and reduce costs.

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Process Analysis

Process Analysis

The only real way to understand how you achieve the results you do... and how to get better, is via Process Capture, Modelling & Analysis, Improvement Prototyping, Formal Documentation & Evangelism.

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DPO Service & GDPR Audit

DPO Service & GDPR Audit

Breach Management Procedures, Recertification of Consent, PBD Change Control, GDPR Risks Audits, GDPR Controller & Processor Documentation, Data Mapping, Business Process Risk Audit, DSAR Procedures, DS Rights Request Procedures.

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Record of Processing Activity | Accountability | Demonstrating Compliance.

The mandatory Record of Processing Activities document is a living document that needs regular maintenance work. A review might be triggered by a specific change in business practises or systems, new client service offerings or engaging with new client segments. We have built and populated several Record of Processing documents via extensive discovery work in […]

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